Tuesday, September 20, 2011

124 / 365 Flame On!

Another from this past weekend's sunflower shoot. I processed this using the film effects filter from NIK, this simulates the look of Kodachrome 64Pro...

Have a great day! - Ed

Sunday, September 18, 2011

123 / 365 Sunny Face

Just me... enjoying the beautiful morning, happy that I had a successful few hours of shooting.

Have a great day! - Ed

122 / 365 Happy Field

Here is the view of the whole field of sunflowers... This is the first pano image that I have attempted using CS5. No special equipment, just my tripod and trying to keep it level as I turned.

Have a great day! - Ed

Saturday, September 17, 2011

121 / 365 Golden Morning

Here is the farm house and buildings that are basically surround by the sunflowers...

Have a great a great day! - Ed

120 / 365 Welcome To Autumn

Seems like forever since I got my butt out in time to catch a sunrise with my gear; much less a sunrise with clouds like this... Felt great to be out there, the air was nice and crisp. This the sunflower field near Longwood Gardens. I had the whole field to myself, little surprised at that given the clouds this morning. I shot a lot of bracketed images for working on some HDR's but this was processed from a single image. I was also using a few of my Lee lens filters as well.

Very happy to be able to share this with everyone...

Have a great day! - Ed

Sunday, September 11, 2011

117 / 365 Old Rope

Sort of an abstract texture driven image of a length of old rope I had hanging around. Worked very well for a B&W image...

Have a great day! - Ed

116 / 365 10MM

Another from my "lab"... just a series of images of stuff I found in the garage.

Have a great day! - Ed

Saturday, September 10, 2011

115 / 365 Heavy Duty

The business end of a 24" pipe wrench... Found a little inspiration this morning and hopefully it helped to start me out of this "heavy duty" creative funk I've been in for the past couple of months. Thanks for hanging with me...

Have a great day! - Ed